Whut up, Juggalo Fam? Welcome to ICP’s Juggalo Weekend Month Long Livestream Extravaganza! Fuck this pandemic for preventing us from physically celebrating Juggalo Weekend together in person, but we’ve got MAD flavor coming at you this month to satisfy all your wicked entertainment needs!
Watch the promo video here.
All rise! Court is in session! That is, JUGGALO NIGHT COURT, bitch! Did your ex-homie screw you over? Do you have a beef you just can’t squash? Take ’em to Juggalo Night Court on Wednesday, February 10 and let ICP be judge, jury, and executioner! Whoop Whoop!
Tune in on Saturday, February 13 for a night of guests who need no introduction. It’s Juggalo celebrities, a house band, and all sorts of unpredictable wicked shit at ICP’S LATE NIGHT FUNHOUSE TALK SHOW. Who will show up? What will happen? Expect the unexpected when Violent J and Shaggy sit down with some special guests! This special event will be filmed LIVE from Violent J’s house inside his living room…and YOU can be there, too! A small number of tickets to be a member of the studio audience will be auctioned off at PsychopathicVault.com! Don’t miss your rare chance to chill with ICP on the Duke of the Wicked’s homebase!
On Monday, February 15, welcome to the JAM EXAM! On this insightful journey through ICP’s entire career, J and Shaggy will take you through EVERY SINGLE JOKER’S CARD, choosing their all-time favorite banger from each album. Hear trivia and history about these standout tracks that define the Dark Carnival universe!
On Wednesday, February 17, pour your favorite flavor of Faygo into a tin cup, grab yourself a seat around the fire, and settle in for a night of spooky storytelling at WICKED CLOWN CAMPFIRE STORIES PART 2: XXXL ON ROIDS AND CRACK! Join J, Shaggy, and Jumpsteady as they blow your fuckin’ minds with amazing stories from their crazy, seen-it-all lives. This event will be livestreamed, but also, you’ll get your chance to attend the campfire in person at Psychopathic Records headquarters. Bid on your tickets at PsychopathicVault.com!
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any crazier than JCW wrestlers destroying Violent J’s house, we’re proud to present JCW’s Best of Oddball Brutality on Saturday, February 20! Come witness the devastation of freakish JCW warriors trying to kill each other live in the Psychopathic Records headquarters. A limited number of tickets to attend this JCW event LIVE will be auctioned off on at PsychopathicVault.com!
Got a cool trick or skill you can do that you want to show off to the fam? Or better yet…do you have a completely stupid and asinine trick that you do? Do you sing horribly? Awesome! Enter the ultimate talent show THE JUGGALO GONG SHOW on Monday, February 22. Hosted by your favorite sexually ambiguous host Chuck BareAss, you never know what you’ll see at The Juggalo Gong Show. Expect confetti, balloons, and general anarchy as only Psychopathic Records can bring! Submit pics or video of your act to icphouseparty@gmail.com.
Continuing the game show theme on Wednesday, February 24…it’s JUGGALO FAMILY FEUD! Grab three of your homies and get ready for a chance to win BIG flavor…with either Violent J or Shaggy 2 Dope on your team! Check it out, ninjas–we’re auctioning off a 4-pack of tickets. You and your homies show up at Psychopathic Records headquarters and the FIFTH member of your Family Feud team is either J or Shaggy! So now it’s TRULY Juggalo Family Feud! Survey says…you don’t want to miss your chance to play with the Wicked Clowns themselves! Look for these ticket auctions very soon at PsychopathicVault.com!
And finally, we close out the month on Saturday, February 27 with the main event! The grand spectacle of Juggalo Weekend Month … ICP’s 3 RING LIVE CONCERT EXTRAVAGANZA …coming to you directly from ICP’s headquarters, featuring the wicked shit classics you know and love.
Don’t miss your chance to attend an ICP show right in their own backyard. This is a very special event, Juggalos, because THIS IS THE VERY LAST TIME THE PUBLIC WILL EVER SEE PSYCHOPATHIC HEADQUARTERS AT ITS CURRENT LOCATION! When we say this event is historic, we ain’t bullshittin’. THIS IS IT! The last time any peepers will look upon the present Psychopathic offices. All attendees to the 3 Ring Live Concert Extravaganza will be able to check out the Psychopathic Records offices and warehouse at their leisure — you literally will have an ALL ACCESS PASS to our headquarters! Tickets will be available soon at PsychopathicVault.com!
Sign up for ICP’s Patreon today to get FULL ACCESS to all the flavor!